Sunday 17 April 2011

Durham Cathedral

The Durham field trip came the day after St. Patrick's day.  Let me tell you, the group has looked a bit better than today.  But we toughened up, and survived through the day.  Which was a good thing, because the cathedral was absolutely beautiful, as was the weather and entire day.  I think this was partly because we got a lot of free time to go out and explore the wonderful city of Durham.
Durham was a nice field trip because we were actually in a town where stuff happened and shops where, opposed to Alnwick. Although that is part of Alnwick's charm, it is definitely nice to get out and see a bustling city with people and college kids around my age. 

We did a quick city tour like usual with Christine, which ended at the cathedral.  Walking up to this cathedral was breathtaking.  Even though I am not a religious person I have to admit this church was something else.  The grandeur it exudes was marvelous.  I couldn't stop searching the building for something else to look at. There was so much going on!

Durham has been exclaimed as one of the great Norman architectural gems in England, and I can understand why.  This massive church boasts a long history.  In 1093 construction for this cathedral began and was almost entirely completed in only 40 years!  40 years!  That is crazy, especially when you look at the size of the building.  Impressive task!

This cathedral today still houses almost all of its original Norman craftsmanship.  The cathedral was originally built as a place of worship, more specifically to house the shrine of St. Cuthbert.  Cuthbert is a monk, bishop and hermit who is well known for his help with the monasteries in Lindisfarne and has become one of the most important medieval saints in England.
The pictures from this day are not my own, as they would not allow for pictures to be taken inside.  I agree with them wholeheartedly because even though it may be an architectural gem, it is still a place or worship.  As you walk into the cathedral your breath is instantly taken away.  There is so much too look and the massive size of the cathedral is shocking.  I felt like I was so small in comparison to the height of the ceilings and columns.

The nave, transepts, as well as the Galilee chapel are all of the Norman style.  Characteristics of the Norman style include rounded arches, particularly in doorways and  windows as well as massive proportions, which is clearly exhibited throughout the cathedral.

Inside the Galilee Chapel houses a shrine to St. Cuthbert.  The arches in this room are splendid and are of true Norman fashion. Upon entering the chapel it is impossible for one to not notice the large width of the room. This is due in part to the location in which the cathedral was located.

 Another important characteristic in this medieval chapel would be the wall paintings/frescoes that are still there.  Even though much the paintings were whitewashed during the dissolution of the monasteries during the rule of King Henry VIII, some of the original paintings can still be seen. 

As the tour continued in Durham Cathedral I was overwhelmed by how much was going on around me.  It seemed impossible for me to pay attention. I was constantly searching the building to see what else I could find.  The intricate detailing and the enthusiasm from our tour guide made this field worthwhile.  I couldn't help but get excited about what I was seeing which I've learned makes these days go a lot smoother and faster. 

After touring the cathedral with an amazing tour guide it was time for us to tour the castle portion of Durham, or what is now the university.  This however was a huge let down.  We weren't allowed to take photos again in this building, and to be completely honest, thought the tour guide was not good at all.  Perhaps this is because our last one was so amazing.  More than likely that was the case! 

Like I was saying, the tour of the university went rather quickly and I don't really think I remember learning anything from him except that the stairs were leaning due to some building issues.  As soon as this tour was done, I was thinking to myself how exhausted I was.   We still were supposed to go to Evening Song, and I for one was not too thrilled about it.  Luckily though, there was a scheduling error on our part.  Evening song did not exist on this night, so we had nothing else to do but go home.  Although I am sure it would have been a great experience I am glad I got the chance to go home and relax instead.

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